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Sudachi fruit


私たちのキンカンエッセンシャルオイルは、粘度の低い透明な液体です。 our_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_認定のグローバルギャップツリーから抽出。ヒメタチバナは、最適な成熟度で私たちの木から手摘みで収穫されます。


私たちのキンカンエッセンシャルオイルの香りは、ナガミだけで作られた です。ほのかな甘みとタルトのスパークのバランスがとれた、明るくさわやかな味わい。全体にピリッとした柑橘系の香り。



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Sudachi fruit is available directly from the orchard between the middle of July and October,

The zest, when finely grated using a ginger grater, becomes a delightful condiment that adds a punch of flavor. A little goes a long way, making it perfect for enhancing the taste of raw vegetables such as turnips, cabbage, and courgettes. It also works wonders when mixed into mustard, akin to the fiery kick of wasabi, or sprinkled over cold meats. 


In Japan, it is said that it is not necessary to add salt to dishes served with sudachi juice. Sudachi juice has an elegant acidity that stands on its own. Sudachi is also twenty times richer in vitamin A than lemon,

The juice of Sudachi is remarkable, providing a splendid touch of acidity to dishes. Whether it's blended with soya sauce to create a refreshing ponzu sauce (40% Sudachi juice and 60% soya sauce), or drizzled ever so lightly over scallops, grilled fish, or melon, just a drop is enough to elevate the flavors to new heights.

Thinly sliced Sudachi fruit can be added to spirits, beer, soft drinks, and sparkling table water, infusing them with a delightful tang. Additionally, julienned whole fruit can be incorporated into spaghetti for a burst of freshness, while a sudachi duxelles-infused mayonnaise adds a touch of brilliance to deviled eggs.

Fresh fruit is available Mid-July to late October.

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